The Pentecostal Reality
This book consists of several articles written for various occasions. Dr. Williams entitled it The Pentecostal Reality since this is the general theme that holds them together.
The first article, with the same title as the book, "The Pentecostal Reality," was written for the British publication, A Voice of Faith, Summer issue, 1971. It was also given as an address at the National Presbyterian Conference on the Holy Spirit, St. Louis, Missouri, January 11-14, 1972.
was written for the Institute of Ecumenical and Cultural Research, Collegeville, Minnesota, and read at an Institute seminar on October 6, 1971.
"Pentecostal Spirituality" was written for the first international Roman Catholic-Pentecostal/ charismatic dialogue held in Zurich, Switzerland, June 19-24, 1972.
The paper, "The Holy Spirit and Evangelism," was written for the Task Force on Evangelism, Presbyterian Church in the United States, Summer, 1966.
"The Holy Trinity" is a sermon first preached at the University Presbyterian Church, Austin, Texas, on June 7, 1970.
Since these articles were written variously for magazine, seminar, ecumenical dialogue, task force, and pulpit presentation, there are differences in approach, style, and length. Also because the articles were written independently of one another, there may be some overlapping. His hope was that the diversity of occasions and audiences for which they were done will make for freshness and interest throughout.
It was his prayer that the Lord will use these pages for the praise of His glory.
| Preface | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Top |
Content Copyright ©1997 by J. Rodman Williams, Ph.D.